WO Interior was originally founded by carpenter Jens Welløv i 1905.
During recent years this has lead to the successful development of tailor-made fixtures for the builders of high quality offices and premises.
As a part of this process we have developed a unique way for coating fixtures and furniture with linoleum. This has become a strong competency which we today use in relation to the crafting of tailor-made fixtures but also as an effective subcontractor for national and international furniture manufacturers.

At WO we have a number of basic beliefs and opinions which take their starting point in our basic values:
developing relations
solid craftmanship
professional management
Objectives for the future
To strengthen the positive development related to the two business areas and ensure international sales of linoleum-coated units.
Mission - Perfect the first time
Perfect the first time is all about trust. We acknowledge that it is vital for the future success of our business that our customers have faith in our ability to transform their thoughts, ideas, sketches and drawings into specific solutions and projects.
At WO Interior it is therefore our guiding star – to be the right partner for delivering the perfect solution the first time. Second chances are simply not an option.